Wukong (That Funky Monkey) Build - League Of Legends (LOL)

Wukong is a bruiser-dps fighter who is nice to build defensively but with a lot of damage later on as well as early-game. Early he does very nice damage thanks to the huge armour pen. Crushing blow adds to this armour pen and he can destroy squishes very early on. Even being a bruiser type champ he still has a very nice escape mechanic which is none other than Decoy which allows him to escape fights even while being able to take a beating.

An incredible fun champion to play and well worth the IP/RP.

Masteries + Runes

Health                 3585
Health Per 5 Sec                 61
Mana                1136
Mana Per 5 Sec                18
Armor                135
Magic Resist                101.8
Attack Damage                281
Crit Chance                58%
Crit Damage                250%
Attack Range                175
Movement Speed         432
Ability Power         30
Attack Speed         30%
Life Steal         15%
Armor Penetration          24.93
Magic Penetration          0
Cooldown Reduction          0.0%
Dodge          0.0%
Gold Per 10 Sec          0
Reduced Death Time          0%


This is like jax's empower but better as it is useful for a number of things at all ranks it reduces the targets by 30% so not ranking this up first is completely fine. Thanks to that you can deal huge damage early game while getting more tanky items.
The most important thing about this ability is that it resets your auto attack so make sure to use it straight after an auto- attack to make use of that unique effect.

This can be the most powerful escape mechanic used well. This can be ranked up second to reduce the CD but as i build him a bit tanky mid game i'd advise to get more damage with crushing blow. This ability can be used to trick oppenents and make a getaway by moving in the opposite direction.

There are many different ways to use this ability such as:
To escape from a team fight if things are going well as noticing you will be hard.
While being chased can be used to stealth to a nearby brush.
Can be used when in a brush for a sneak attack gank.
If in a brush and you get reviled by Clairvoyance then decoy out so that they think your in that brush for those crucial seconds.

This is your main ability it is brilliant to engage into fights while doing a large amount of AOE dmg and it gives an AS boost at the end. Its a brilliant chaser ability and the damage is nothing to joke about.

Judgement and Unstoppable force combined. It does brilliant damage while allowing to CC any players. This can be used to disrupt channelling spells and to CC any players so your team can grab a free kill. Did you miss someone? no matter you get increased movement speed and can easily catch up to players.

Skill Order
Purchase Order

First is  what Boots shpould I take and why?

The most common mistake is to take Berserker greaves, most players will think "oo AS, more dmg, yay!" no bad idea as much as awesome how much AS you get from Berseker's . But the main reason why we don't choose beserker's is because if we are getting caught in a CC its Game Overand you will die but you can never be too sure if you will get CC'd but at vital times you can not risk it.

So, Concluding from this we take Merc treads to allow the CD reduction and nice M resist as remember CC is a big issue.

We rush Trinity Force as it gives awesome general stats not to mention the sheen proc and slow early game. Tri-force gives everything Wukong needs. From AP for decoy to movement speed for chasing. Getting this item allows a good early game advantage and will easily be able to dish out huge amounts of damage.

Ii is nice to build Wukong tanky early on instead of getting more heavy AD as thanks to Triforce anyway you are still able to do a nice bit of damage.

Warmog's benefits you with: 1400 more health to be able to survive more especially when you're in the middle of the enemy team Cycloning. The health we get will maximise the effectiveness of the Atma's Impaler.

Is the second "tanky" item i get as it gives nice armour but it synergizes well with the Frozen Mallet and  Trinity Force as with the extra hp you get more AD from atmas. By this time in the game you should be nearing 3000hp so Atmas will give you 60 AD which is amazing since it gives you a nice 45 armour and Crit at the same time.

Now get as we have been accumulating a lot of items which don't give a lot of AD and some nice tanky stats aswell. So by this time your damage will start to slack thats why i think it's quite essential to get some more AD. The Bloodthirster gives a huge amount of AD if you farm and gotten it and gives nice lifesteal. Using Cyclone in the midst of five people joined with your passive and Bloodthirster will make you unkillable unless cc'd which Mercury's treads compensate for.

Our last Item can depend on the game. If it get this far will always get an Infinity Edge. I believe that end game when nearly always there are 5 enemies so your passive gives you 40 Armour and MResist so allowing you to get a bit more AD. With Tri force, Atmas and Edge you will have some nice crit anyway making Infinity edge a good option.

Infinity edge can be replaced with any of the defensive items below if you find yourself taking too much damage.

Summoner Spells 


brilliant when you have just used your ulti so you can keep them slowed so they will take full damage and be able to kill them without of chance of them getting away.

is used because it makes it easier to chase champions and it someone is faster to keep up to be able to auto-attack.

Other Options

is an awesome spell that allows you to jump over walls offensively and defensively and if anyone prefers this over ghost sure it's just as good. A long CD but still very good.

is still very good but I prefer to get some sort of escape mechanic.

Meh Spells

is good for cross map ganks or back dooring but in a good elo the other team have great map awareness

is okay but let your support take it.

This would be a nice guide but it depends on the player how to build his champion.


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